Copy Latest Files to Another Location Using FTP WinSCP Script

In this blog, Today we will create a script that will help us to copy latest files from FTP server and paste it to another server (FTP client server) using WinSCP Script. So, lets start the process.

Step 1: For this, We first need to install WinSCP on our clinet server. To install WinSCP, Please click on the link.

Step 2: After installing the WinSCP, Open the WinSCP GUI and connect your FTP/SFTP server using your credentials.

WinSCP Login

Step 3: Once you login to your FTP/SFTP server, go to Session -->> Generate Session URL/Code....

WinSCP generate Session Code

Step 4: Now, Copy the connection code and paste it on your notepad.

WinSCP generate Session Code

Step 5: Now, Lets start the scripting:

  • First, create a get-latest-file.txt file and paste the below code in it:
1option batch abort
2option confirm off
3open ftp://<user>:<password>@<hostname>
4get -filemask="*>=1D" Source-Path  Destination-Path

In 3rd line you have to paste your connection code, which you have copied earlier.

Default Source-Path is /* and Destination-Path is where you want to store the files. like

1get -filemask="*>=1D" /*  c:\test-ftp\
  • Second, create a bat file which will RUN the above script. Lets call it get-latest-file.bat and paste the below code in it: /script=get-latest-files.txt

Note: When you add the below script in Windows scheduler for automate this. Remove the Pause syntax from the script.

Step 6 : Lastly move the both scripts to WinSCP installation directory. (C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP)

Move to WinSCP Directory

Step 7: Now, Run get-latest-file.bat file and your file will be uploaded to destination folder.

Click on link to know more syntax of WinSCP scripting.

I :heart: AWS! :smile: Enjoy