Deploy Lambda Edge From Lambda Console

Today we will learn, How to Deploy "Lambda@Edge" from Lambda console.

Lets start the implementation:

Step 1: Go to your Lambda function.

Step 2: From Designer, Click on "Add Trigger".

designer console

Step 3: Select "cloudfront" from the trigger.

select cloudfront

Step 4: Click on "Deploy to Lambda@Edge".

Deploy lambda Edge

Step 5: Now, You have to enter your CloudFront distribution details:

Deploy lambda Edge console

Step 6: Select your "Distribution".

Step 7: In "Cache behavior", enter "*".

Step 8: In "CloudFront event", Select "origin request".

Step 9: Now, select "Confirm deploy to Lambda@Edge" agreement.

Step 10. Click on "Deploy" button.

I :heart: AWS! :smile: Enjoy