Generating a Public Key From a Private Key for SSL/TLS Pinning

SSL/TLS pinning is a security technique that helps protect against man-in-the-middle attacks by ensuring that the client (e.g. a mobile app) only trusts the server if it presents the expected certificate. In SSL/TLS pinning, the public key of a certificate is embedded into the client. In this blog post, we'll go over the steps to generate a public key from a private key for SSL/TLS pinning.

Step 1: Extract the Private Key

The first step in generating a public key from a private key is to extract the private key. The private key is usually stored in a file with a .pem, .der, or .key file extension. Make sure to securely store the private key, as it is used to encrypt sensitive information.

Step 2: Use a Public Key Generation Tool

There are various tools available, such as OpenSSL, that can be used to generate a public key from a private key. The specific command will depend on the tool you use.

For example, using OpenSSL, you can generate a public key from a private key with the following command:

1openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -pubout -out public_key.pem

Step 3: Embed the Public Key

Finally, you will need to embed the generated public key into the client code for use in SSL/TLS pinning. This will ensure that the client only trusts the server if it presents the expected certificate.


Generating a public key from a private key is a crucial step in SSL/TLS pinning to ensure the security of sensitive information. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can securely generate a public key from a private key for use in SSL/TLS pinning. Remember to always securely store the private key and follow best practices for managing private keys.

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