Receive Email in AWS SES and Save in DynamoDB

Today, my customer came up with a requirment, where they want to do filtering and processing in customer emails.

So, Let see how to acheive this we need to do the following this:

1: verify your domain in SES.

Note: You have to select North Virginia region for this activity.

2: add MX record in your domain.

3: then we have to create a rule set and attached the lambda, SNS, S3 etc in action.

AWS SES rule

AWS SES email receive rule

4: finally, when you receive any email on that Recipient, you action lambda/SNS will perform.

5: Now lambda code which will get your message from AWS SNS:

Below lambda will read the message and store the data in dynamodb:

 1import json
 2import boto3
 3import random
 4from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
 5from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr
 6import datetime
 7import base64
 8import quopri
10dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
11client = boto3.client('dynamodb')
12Lambdaclient = boto3.client('lambda')
14def lambda_handler(event, context):
15    # TODO implement
16    sns_message = event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message']
17    original_message = json.loads(sns_message)
18    From_id = original_message['mail']['source']
19    Encode_Message = original_message['content']
20    parsed_message = base64.b64decode(Encode_Message)
21    #parsed_message = ''.join(parsed_message.split("b", 1))
22    print("Form Email ID : "+ From_id)
23    #print("encode message: "+ Encode_Message)
24    #print("decode messgae : ", parsed_message)
25    if From_id == "<email-id>":
26        #print(parsed_message)
27        parsed_message = quopri.decodestring(parsed_message)
28        parsed_message = parsed_message.decode('latin-1', errors='ignore')
29        parsed_message = parsed_message.encode('utf-8')
30        parsed_message = parsed_message.decode("utf-8")
31        #print("New messgae : ", parsed_message)
32        content_message = parsed_message.split('Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable', 1)[-1]
33        html_message = content_message.split("\n--000000000", 1)[0]
34        table = dynamodb.Table('<table-name>')
35        responseID = table.scan()
36        id_number = 0
37        for i in responseID['Items']:
38            print(i['id'])
39            id_number = id_number + 1
41        date ="%d-%m-%Y")
42        try:
43            id_number = id_number + 1
44            #print("id : ",id_number)
45            print("message :",html_message)
46            table.put_item(Item={
47                    'id': id_number,
48                    'Jobs': html_message,
49                    'Date': date
50                    }
51                )
52        except ClientError as e:
53            print(e.response['Error']['Message'])

Important: Change sender email-id to protect unwanted read and dynamodb table name to put message in dynamodb.

Note: To know how to add lambda in SNS, Please follow the this link

I :heart: AWS! :smile: Enjoy