Create AWS IAM Role for Lambda

Today we will learn, how to create an IAM Role for Lambda Function.

Every lambda function need some permission for execution. So it's important to know how to create IAM Role for Lambda.

To create IAM Role for Lambda, Please follow the below Steps:

Step 1: Open AWS Console and Select IAM service.

IAM Console

Step 2: Select IAM Role

IAM Role main

Step 3: Click on "Create Role".

Create IAM Role

Step 4: Choose the "LAMBDA" service and Press "Next".

Role Lambda Service

Step 5: Search/Select the IAM policy and Press "Next".

Select IAM policy

Step 6: Add tags pairs which you want to add to your role. Its optional, you can skip this. Press "Next".

Role tags

Step 7: Lastly, Name your "IAM Role" and Press "Create role".

Create Role last

Now Your IAM Role for Lambda has been created. You can attach this to your Lambda Function.

I :heart: AWS :smile: Enjoy